Long-term rental car is not classified as a loan, so it does not affect your creditworthiness, so it is a way to use a vehicle advantageously in times when many people who are living with a loan for a variety of economic life like these days.You can solve various car brands and models online without going to the store.We provide a service that can calculate the best estimate compared to offline.Owning a car in itself costs a lot.Also, you may feel a lot of pressure because you are responsible for managing yourself.As the number of long-term rental and long-term lease users is increasing, there are certain things that you must check when signing a contract.Is the upfront fee low? Is it possible to return or take over after maturity? Are maintenance, insurance, and taxes included?Another advantage of long-term rental cars seems to be that lpg fuel can be used.Please take note of the benefits, and we are in the process of estimating corporate long-term rentals as well as individual long-term rentals.